Our Programs


If you or someone you know is experiencing housing instability, please contact one of our workers and we can complete an over the phone assessment and look at housing options that may be available to you. Please call or text us on 0411 347 810

Youth Housing

The Youth Housing Program is an accommodation and support service caring for both male and female residents aged 16-25 years who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

Chameleon Housing provides an opportunity for people to take control of their lives in a supported strength-based environment. We support and encourage young people to identify and reach their goals through case management and reliance building.


If you or someone you know needs housing assistance, contact our youth workers to discuss possible housing options.


Kippa Ring


Young Families Transitional Housing Program

The Transitional Housing Program supports young parenting families aged 18 to 25 experiencing accommodation crisis and provides them with an opportunity to secure independent accommodation. Young parents are supported to learn living skills such as cooking, budgeting, running a household. Additionally, being supported to identify goals and ways to reach those goals. Families are supported by being given a realistic housing experience and supporting them to enter the private rental market and onto the next stage in their lives.

Chameleon Housing currently manages five residential properties that are provided to the young family fully furnished - a place to call home until they can move on independently. The importance of this program is paramount to the reduction of homelessness within this age group, with tenants reporting they felt that participating in the living skills element part of this program ensured they were ready and capable of moving onto independent accommodation.


When vacancies arise


5 Houses across the Redcliffe Peninsula


I Can hope Program for parents of Indigenous children

I CaN HOPe Project is an Indigenous housing program that provides supported housing to vulnerable Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

Chameleon Housing is able to focus suitable services and supports, individually tailored for each family. We support the families to access a range of specialist services and staff including counsellors, child health nurses, social workers, housing support workers and parenting programs.  With this range of expertise and diverse skill sets, I CaN HOPe is able to work holistically with families to ensure that the time spent in the program is used to effectively prepare and transition them permanently to independent housing and living.


Both self and agency referrals are accepted


Redcliffe and Caboolture